Balance =
Me + Source + You
I am an Rn. I've worked the Frontlines since 1987. Starting around 2012,
an added Passion became
* Preprevention and AlignAge
I am a Tutor a Published Author
& an Uplifter
Preprevention is the Future of Medicine Preprevention is the Live that You live when You are not with
Your Practitioner.
As far as My Preprevention and Health:
My Oxidative stress is Decreased
My Circulatory Systems are Functional
My Elimination Systems are Detoxing
My Energy Systems are Flowing Freely
My Stem Cells are Re Stimulated
My Microbiome is close to being Balanced....... 😇
Thank You
My Books Me, Myself & Us
You, Yourself & Source (sept. '24)
These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or aging.